
Clotilde de Cacqueray

"I believe that you always have a choice in any situation and that the more you are connected to your values and core strengths, the more you will respond to a situation positively and effectively instead of react to it , and more generally build a meaningful and positive approach to life."

How to support a child with exam stress

Your child has a significant exam coming up and stress is in the air… How can you both survive this intense time to the best of your abilities? First, I would like to share with you the 7 essential daily mental activities that Daniel Siegel is suggesting to avoid “the epidemic of overwhelm”.

Why would you go to see a life coach?

Coaching is a profession that you may have heard of, but maybe you’re not exactly sure about what a coach does; in what way a coach is different from a mentor, a counsellor or a therapist; what you can expect from a session; and how long a collaboration with a coach lasts for?

It's all about love!

This is a book that had a big impact on me: The Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman. Find out how by understanding your languages of love, and those of your loved ones, you can improve your relationships.

What is NLP?

You may have been wondering what NLP stands for. It actually stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It was founded in 1970 by Richard Bandler, a mathematician, and John Grinder, a linguist, in Santa Cruz, California.

Start the New Year with a little step

Have you ever wondered why after a few weeks your New Year’s resolution has disappeared and you feel flatter, even more disheartened or with a lowered self-esteem? I can see several explanations

Coaching young people

For a few years now, I have been coaching young people in challenging schools with the charity Youth at Risk. Some of its students are under-achieving or face exclusion because of behavioural or emotional difficulties.